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In the beginning was the command line

Professional computer people spend a lot of time staring at words (or at least letters and numbers), even the ones that make graphical things. They do this in two places: their text editors or IDEs (integrated development environment - more on those later) and the command line. A command line is a typing-based interface to your computer that lets you perform operations like move files and run software without needing to click things. They feel very alien at first, but once you get used to them they are awesome!

(P.S. If you’re really interested in computer history, the title of this section is also the title of a free short book you can find online with a lot of computer history in it. It’s very out of date now, but still fun!)

Let’s get into our command line.

The instructions below will both explain things and tell you to do things. If you see a checkbox, that means we want you to DO something. You can check them off as you go! If you do not see a checkbox, you are not being asked to do anything.

Mac Users

Mac Terminal Window
(image credit: MacPaw)

You need to open the Terminal app.

Mac users can now jump to Basic Commands

Windows Users

Windows actually has TWO built-in command lines - one is called simply Command Prompt or cmd and the other is called Powershell. Powershell is much more powerful, and since you are learning this for the first time you should definitely use it!

You should now have your command prompt open! You can pin this to the taskbar if you wish, for easy access later.
Powershell Window

Some basic commands

Not every command line is the same. On Macs, the command line is powered by a program called bash. On Windows, it is Powershell. They are very different in a lot of ways, but luckily there are some commands that will work similarly on the two systems. Let’s practice some! Each of these commands should be followed by presing Enter or Return to run the command.

In each line, you will need to READ about the command first (without doing anything!) then follow the specific instructions below each line.

Congratulations! You can now do some basic things in the command line. Welcome to hackerhood.

Study Materials

Bitmoji Books You should probably make flash cards for these commands eventually, as they are very useful, especially ls, mv, cp, cd, pwd and touch (or ni)

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