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Common Data Types

In previous notes, we mentioned that the bits and bytes on a computer can be interpreted in lots of different ways.

One of the ways our computer programs know how to interpret a byte (or more) of data in the context of a programming language is by the type of the data, which is set in the program. Every variable in a program can hold data of a specific type.

In a program, there are three types of things that have types:

General Type Languague-specific usage Description
Boolean TypeScript
let boo:boolean=true;

boolean boo=false;
The value of a boolean is either true or false. The simplest data type!
Numeric TypeScript
let n:number=1;
let x:number=3.21;

int n=11;
double x=1.2;
Holds a number. In TypeScript and javascript, all numbers are floating point numbers (meaning they can be integers or decimals) while java separates decimals (called doubles for historical reasons) from integers. There are advantages to both systems.
Characters and Strings Typescript
let k:string="word";

char c='a';
String s="12";
A character is a single piece of text data, ready to print to the screen, such as the character 'a' or '8' or 'â' or even '😀'.

If you combine more than one character, you get a string, like "string83". In javascript / TypeScript, characters are just small strings, but in java they are separate types of data with different rules.

Strings and characters are always surrounded by quotation marks.
Arrays TypeScript
let a:number[]=[1, 2, 3];

boolean[] a={true, false};
A collection of more than one item of any type (even other arrays!). type[] in either language creates a group that can hold many values of the given type.
Objects Much more later! A group of many related values and functions that work together as one larger thing. The center of object-oriented programming. Objects often have their own special names.

Check your Understanding

  1. What type of data is the value 234 in TypeScript? What is it in java?

    Click to expand answer

    Typescript: number java: int

  2. You want to write the code j = "bob". What data type must j be declared as for this to not give an error?

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  3. The following TypeScript code gives an error. Why?

    let j:string;
    j = 123;
    Click to expand answer

    j is a string but you are trying to assign it a number

  4. The following java code gives an error. Why?

     int j;
     j = "123";
    Click to expand answer

    j is an integer, but you are assigning it a string.

  5. You write the following code:

    let b = (2 + 2 > 4);

    What do you think is the VALUE and TYPE of b? (cool thing to try: you can check your answer by typing “ts-node” on your command line, then typing that code. After pressing enter, type b to output its value. Type .exit (notice the period!) to exit.)

    Click to expand answer

    b is a boolean, with the value false

Study Materials

Bitmoji Books Create flash cards or a quizlet deck with the following words, with examples, a description, and a code example for TypeScript and java on the back.

We have a quizlet class at and you can add your decks there if you make them, but you REALLY should make your own deck before using those of others. You learn as much from making the flashcards as using them, if not more.