
For these exercises, you will usually output and answer, but you may return for some

method adder(FIRST, SECOND) 
  output THEANSWER
end method

Relational Operators

Symbol Meaning
= exactly equals
!= or <> does not equal
+ addition or string concatenation
- subtraction
* multiplication
/ division (float)
div division (integer)
mod remainder (modulo)
> greater than
>= greater than or equal
< less than
<= less than or equal

Logical Operators


If / Else If / Else

In all of the following, the keyword then is optional. All if statements must be on a single line. You can also use end instead of end if
if NUM < 42 then
  // something
end if
if NUM < 42 then
  // something
 // something else
end if
if NUM < 42 then
  // something
else if NUM > 55 
 // something else
 // more code
end if

While Loop

NUM = 0
loop while NUM < 10 
  output NUM
  NUM = NUM + 2
end loop

// 0
// 2
// 4
// 6
// 8

For Loop

loop NUM from 0 to 4 
  output (5 - NUM)
end loop
output "Blastoff!"

// 5
// 4
// 3
// 2
// 1
// Blastoff!


Note that these methods are not defined by the IB. On test, you will need to find an alternate pathway to these same results.

Method Behavior
STR.Length() returns the length of the string
STR.SubStr(S,L) Returns the substring that starts at index S and goes for up to L characters. If the string ends, it will return to the end of the string.
STR = "Hello"
STR.Length() //5
STR.SubStr(0,3) //"Hel"
STR.SubStr(2,2) //"ll"
STR.SubStr(4, 7) //"o"


Note that these methods are not defined by the IB. On test, you will need to find an alternate pathway to these same results.

Method Behavior
A = new Array(SIZE) Creates a new array with SIZE null values and saves it in variable A
ARR.Length() returns the length of the array
ARR.Slice(S,L) Returns the array that starts at index S and contains the next L elements. If the array ends, it will return to the end of the string.
NUMS = [42, 13, 78]
output NUMS[0]  // 42
output NUMS[2]  // 78
NUMS[1] = 11 // NUMS is now [42, 11, 78]
NUMS.Length() // 3
NUMS.Slice(0,2) // [42, 11]

Looping through an array

loop I from 0 to NUMS.Length() - 1
  //do stuff with NUMS[I]
end loop


A collection is a list of like objects. Assume we have one named NAMES with a list of strings. These methods ARE defined by the IB and can and should be used in tests!

Method Behavior
C = new Collection() Creates a new collection and saves it to variable C
NAMES.hasNext() returns true there are elements we have not seen yet
NAMES.getNext() Gets the next element in the collection (and moves forward in the line)
NAMES.resetNext() Resests back to the beginning of the collection for another loop
NAMES.addItem() adds an item to the END of the collection
NAMES.isEmpty() returns true if the collection does not contain any elements

Looping through a collection

loop while NAMES.hasNext()
  ELEMENT = NAMES.getNext()
  // do stuff with ELEMENT
end loop